To-Do List: Are You Tackling Yours?
To-Do List: Are you Tackling Yours?
Prefer to read about tackling your Coronavirus to-do list instead of listen? No problem! The transcript is below:
I’m sitting here staring at my to-do list. Update my website, write some blog posts, design some new marketing ads. Pretty much all of the things I could be doing for my business while stuck at home. But, I’ll be honest, I actually can’t seem to accomplish much of anything.
It’s March 25th, 2020. As I’m recording this, we are in the midst of the Covid-19 crisis. It has sort of been debilitating and my productivity has plummeted. This has just brought out such a range of emotions. Everything from feeling really confused and scared about what’s going on to feeling like everything is going to be fine and being grateful for the things I do still have and for this time with my family.
But, it’s like having such a range of emotions. I’m sort of paralyzed and not able to accomplish much of anything on my to-do list. I’m wondering if anyone else is experiencing this? Or, if I’m the only one who is not tackling my to-do list. I’m seeing lots of posts about people getting so much done and lots of posts about what we should be accomplishing and I’m over here like, I’m lucky if I can cook a bowl of noodles without being distracted.
Mixed Emotions…
The emotions and what I’m engaging in are so fleeting that I go from feeling hopeful that this is all going to be over soon, to seeing one post on social media that puts me into a tailspin of anxiety. Then, I decide I’m going to edit some photos to think about something else. That lasts just long enough for me to decide I need to organize the craft shelf in our laundry room “because I’m stuck at home and I should be doing all of these things”. By the time I even make it down the stairs, my 3-year-old has me convinced that we should play demolition derby cars.
Then, a minute later I’m sitting on the couch and can’t stop thinking about the single parents who have zero support through all of this. The families who don’t know how they are going to buy food next week and the people who are working so hard to keep us safe and fed. It’s all just such a nightmare. I don’t think most of us ever thought things would come to this. I know I certainly didn’t. It’s just such a crazy time for all of us.
I’m just really hoping that you’ll give yourself some grace right now. If you aren’t the mom who is making up all of these super creative activities and schedules for your kids, that is okay. At least, I’m telling myself that it’s okay because this whole crafting thing is not my superpower.
It’s Okay…
But seriously, if you find yourself binge-watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer for 6 hours straight, that’s okay if that’s what you need right now. Social media can be such a beast during times like this. Some people are posting as though nothing is going on. While others are focusing strictly on this (Coronavirus), or others might be working on building their clientele. Some other people have gone silent. There is no wrong way to do this right now. Do what feels right to you. If you are like me, and you aren’t tackling your to-do list right now, then that is okay!
I’m still not sure if I’m doing the right thing with putting this podcast out right now. But, it’s something I at least CAN do right now without having to leave the house. So, I figured “why not?” Maybe this will help keep someone busy right now. Hopefully, people will learn from the guests I’ve recorded episodes with so far. Or, maybe people are looking for something to listen to in general.
In the last few months, I’ve been squeezing in time to record the first several episodes. It really has been so much fun to do and I’ve learned so much myself. I really hope that you will enjoy listening as much as I’ve enjoyed interviewing.
Share your stories…
Also, this Busy as a Mother podcast is dedicated to working moms in general with an emphasis on being an entrepreneur mom. I’m wondering if you would be willing to share with my listeners a story about something you have experienced through all of this. Maybe a funny story about something that has happened during quarantine with your kids. Or maybe you actually have been super productive with work and want to share what you’ve achieved. Maybe you have a really great craft or activity that you could share with people, or maybe you want to just tell us how you are feeling through all of this.
I set up a voice recording link where you can share your story and it’s nikkiclosser.com/stories. I’ll also put it in the show notes, but again that’s nikkiclosser.com/stories and all you have to do is click and record. I’d love to put together these stories for you so you can listen to what other people are doing and maybe get a good laugh or even a cry or even at least just feel some comradery from people out there just like you.
Ok everyone, thank you so much for listening, there are a few more episodes ready and waiting for you and I hope you enjoy. Please stay safe out there.
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